For adults with autism, the unemployment statistics is around 70 – 80%. If you don’t know anyone with autism, you may wonder why. But if you have a loved one with autism, you may understand a little better. Employment skills as an adult with intellectual and developmental disabilities can be a unique challenge.

As we all know, when applying for a job, there are certain necessary skills that appear under “skills” on our resumes:

  • Presentation 
  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Organizational Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Flexibility
  • Decision Making
  • Ability to work independently

And for someone with autism, they may struggle with some (if not all) of these areas, therefore finding work and maintaining a job can prove to be extremely difficult. 

Here are some ways you can help your loved one build their employment skills as an adult by taking their first steps into the working world:

  1. Volunteer – People with autism need time and experience to build these skills and feel comfortable in their community. Volunteering in a field of interest can help them meet other like-minded people who share the same passion for that activity.
  2. Find the motivation – If money isn’t a motivator, find something that is rewarding or motivating. As they volunteer, you could reward them after they successfully complete a month’s worth of weekend volunteering. This will help them to understand the concept of working towards getting something they want.
  3. Redefine work – Full-time jobs may not be an option. Explore part-time and casual work options, and prepare them with volunteering for just a few hours at a time. 
  4. Resume and job interview – This is the tricky part. Think about creating a non-traditional resume of skills and interests. You could do this with visuals. For example, you could use photos of things they have done to be able to show a potential employer that they do have the skills.

Finding their feet in the working world will be a long-term process. Take it one step at a time. Do your best to help them build skills through on-going practice and activities. It’s important that they have as many experiences as possible because each one will give them something to benefit their future career.

We Can Help Build These Employment Skills as an Adult.

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  • 5250 Lankershim Blvd, Suite 500 North Hollywood, CA 91601
  • 255 E Santa Clara Street, Suite 210 Arcadia, CA 91006